Books and Other Authors I Hold Dear

This is a collection of books that I’ve either enjoyed, mimicked, reviewed, and most likely found inspiring in my efforts to craft my own stories. I hope you’ll consider them, but only after you’ve purchased my own. (Winky Emoticon Goes Here)

Choke by Chuck Palahniuk

The LaCuna by Barbera Kingsolver

Dry: A Memoir by Augusten Burroughs

Seemed LIke A Good Idea at the Time: A Memoir by David Goodwillie

Chalked Up by Jennifer Sey

Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

The Jade Rabbit by Mark Matthews

Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis

Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Diary of an Oxygen Thief by Anonymous

Alcoholic’s Anonymous: The Big Book by Anonymous

A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

The Whipping Club by Deborah Henry

The Next Right Thing by Dan Barden

One response to “Books and Other Authors I Hold Dear

  1. I just started reading your book and it immediately gave me the feelings of books written by Chuck Palahnuik, which is one of my favorite authors. Funny how i was thinking of him as i began to read yours. I’m really liking it so far.

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